The La Meije area is one of the most beautiful areas for sport and cultural activities. Famous for extreme skiing as much for family holidays.
Come here to breathe!
Villar d'arène is in the center of some of the biggest stations 3km near one of th most famous offsite skki areas in the world : La Grave.
Villar d'arène is famous for its history, a village well-known and loved for its history.
Ancient breadmaking tradition "Pain Noir"
This bread is baked evrey year the 3rd week-end of november and is known as "pain d'étape".
Fountains :you can follow the circuit " au fil de l'eau " that will show you every fountains of the village that what used for fires.
If you like stars and the milky way, there is " l'Astroguindaine " that will make you disciver the space.
Discover the local architecture : "les blettes "that still dry on balcony and sundial made by the children of the village near the Church.